Monday, December 23, 2013

Youthful Medications

Today, as my first post we shall look at the interesting paths that many people take in their lives to live a happy and fulfilling life based on their beliefs of what makes their lives worth living.  To do this let us first remind ourselves of what it was like living over the decades of life and then fast forward to the present in which we fear for our future selves.

The first decade of life can easily be defined as the most informative years of our lives, in which we define who we are, what we represent and our personal tendencies unbeknownst to ourselves in those years can be seen by our family and friends.  In the first 3 years of life one will go from socially externally expression our inner emotions and feelings to interacting with the outside world and grasping onto it's ideologies and ways.  Cultural norms will become our own and the world we live in will seem vast full of energy and potential.  This leads us to learning how to speak, say hello, count a few numbers, feel fear and happiness and to overall shine in our own way.  After these few years we will grow, mature, engaged, learn in formal and informal settings before coming upon our very first decade.  Not once will we look back and be thankful for the lack of congenital disease that we may have been born with or acquired, no once will we think about all the near misses we had when falling, or being pushed where we left the situation with minimal if any scars and we won't ever think of how life would have been should we have had cerebral palsy.

Now the second decade of life is truly the bread and butter of development when it comes to our social interactions and lifestyle.  Everyone of us can look back on this time and think about how poorly we dressed, the lack of education and insight we possessed and the importance of our friends during this time period.  If hindsight is 20/20 then in this formative years it is certainly 20/10 as we experimented physically through athletics, emotionally with relationships or possibly medicinally with the plethora of wonder drugs that became available to us on the school yards and friend's houses.  Some of us, including myself, remained in a bubble for most of this decade as we read, studied and attempted to advance ourselves in life for the ultimate goal of getting into a "good" high school and then going to a "great" college to eventually land the "best" job or to consider going through more schooling to only enter a "prestigious" professional career.   

Now I can continue on to the third or fourth decade, but given that I'm living my third one at this time, I would feel pompous to know how this decade or the next will present themselves.  If you yourself know the answer there is no need to rush the one thing that money cannot buy, and that is viable time.  Time the one precious thing that people will waste for more items, stuff, TV programming, wealth, partners, and many other things just for a short lived high or unmemorable moment.  This all brings me to the concept of youthful pills, medications and injections that many patient's find desirable.  Before my colleagues decide to jump at my throat I will quickly state that antibiotic, retro-viral, oncological, and disease modifying medications are not what I'm eliciting towards.  This post is borne from the new report recently published in the media of the promise of a medication that may reverse the effects of aging on muscles (See BBC Article).  The promises of the study claim that maybe in the future we maybe able to give muscles their youthful properties with more mitochondria (power house of the cell body) and less waste materials.

So, what is the real answer to youthful medication, increased time in one's life, fruitful living and happiness?  Well that is the easiest answer of them all and if you remember to the days of your first decade in life you probably spent a lot of time doing these things.  At least I hope your parents were fortunate enough to allow you the ability to be outside playing and inside reading and creating things with your imagination as your only limit.  First and foremost, exercise is the most vital and life prolonging, pain relieving, depression preventing and time beneficial activity anyone can do.  On a bike you can see the worlds greatest sights and terrain, on foot you can explore the ground beneath your feet to the wildlife that is most likely within miles from your home, and in the water you can take time to swim and think about the issues in your life without any outside electronic interference unless you enjoy using waterproof headphones.  As for dieting you can prevent and possibly cure diabetes, osteoarthritis, hypertension, certain cancers, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, pain syndromes and of course strokes.  These two things should have been promoted in your youth with apple wedges for snacks and play grounds to run in.  Financial security will prevent undue stress and headaches, which I would say is vital to being able to enjoy a healthy diet and enjoyable exercises, but to not spend your time wisely pursuing a healthy diet and an exercise regiment is truly wasting your time, the one thing you will never get back.

Till Then.

1 comment:

  1. Way to promote triathlon as a way to enjoy life and perhaps help secure longevity.
